• Location
    Santuário de Fátima, Portugal
  • Construction period
  • Construtor:
  • Construction
    Eng. José Mota Freitas — ETECLDA; Eng. José Mota Freitas
  • Architecture project
    Arc. Alexandros Tombazis – Meletitiki
  • Construction area
    40 000m²
  • Volume of grey concrete
    45 000m³
  • Volume of white concrete
    7 000m³
  • Recognition
    2007 Secil Award for Civil Engineering
About Basilica of the Most Holy Trinity

The Basilica of the Most Holy Trinity is one of the great works of reference of the Secil Group and was designed with durability in mind.


With an objective of durability over 100 years, special care was taken in the conception, design, selection of materials, production, and control.


In 2007, this majestic project was recognised with the Secil Award for Civil Engineering.